
ArchivesSpace is the next-generation web-based archives information management system, designed by archivists and supported by diverse archival repositories.

ArchivesSpace is an open source, web application for managing archives information. The application is designed to support core functions in archives administration such as accessioning; description and arrangement of processed materials including analog, hybrid, and born-digital content; management of authorities (agents and subjects) and rights; and reference service. The application supports collection management through collection management records, tracking of events, and a growing number of administrative reports. The application also functions as a metadata authoring tool, enabling the generation of EAD, MARCXML, MODS, Dublin Core, and METS formatted data.

ArchivesSpace is a program with a current staff of 4.5 FTE, a community of over 400 members, and three administrative groups—a Governance Board (elected), a Technical Advisory Council (appointed), and an User Advisory Council (appointed)—and published Bylaws. LYRASIS is the organizational home for ArchivesSpace.