CIÊNCIAVITAE is the national scientific curriculum management system, presenting itself as a central element in the ecosystem of information management on scientific and technological activity as well as a tool to support the modernisation of the administrative processes supported by a CV.

Part of the concept of scientific citizenship (Ciência ID), CIÊNCIAVITAE appears as a privileged space of relationship between the citizen and science, reflected in the format of an integrated and personalised repository of the scientific path.

The CIÊNCIAVITAE will aggregate in a single site the information currently dispersed in multiple platforms, in a simple, harmonised and structured way, respecting the specificities of the scientific areas and enshrining the principles of freedom and responsibility in the management and presentation of the curriculum

The platform uses import mechanisms and automatic completion of curricular data, ensuring the principle of re-use of information (introduce once, reuse multiple), in direct articulation with Ciência ID. The development of the platform respects international best practices and regulations and is interoperable with several national and international systems and identifiers.​

CIÊNCIAVITAE is developed and managed by the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT). This platform will replace DeGóis curriculum management system launched in 2008 by FCT in partnership with the Brazilian Ministry of Science and Technology, the Gávea laboratory of the Department of Information Systems of the University of Minho and the Stela group of the Federal University of Santa Catarina in Brazil.