Editoria Book (Help Guide)

Coko Collaborates: Editoria Community

Over the last month, there have been big advances in the Editoria community. Editoria Book
Community members from University of California Press, California Digital Library, Paged Media and Coko collaborated to document Editoria, facilitated by Book Sprints’ CEO Barbara Rühling. Across three days, the book was written, edited in, and exported from Editoria. A helpful guide for the community, it covers features, export formats, how to request new features, and ways to participate in the community.

Editoria is an open source, browser-based books production platform. It includes collaborative authoring and editing, web-based word processing, and automated typesetting. It also includes docx to HTML conversion and production tracking capabilities. It is free to install and use via the MIT License.

Editoria is community supported, and as such, this book was written collaboratively by representatives from Coko, Paged Media, California Digital Library and University of California Press.

The EPUB and PDF versions are now available for download.