Kısmet is the Turkish word for fate. It is also an open access publishers founded in early 2014 by a small group of academics from the University of Leeds in response to the changing state of academic publishing. Kısmet specialises in publishing peer-reviewed research in the Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences. We’re run as a not-for-profit social enterprise, and owned by our employees. We began publishing our first books in late 2016.
Kısmet, at its core, is an open access press. All our books are freely available to read online from the day they are published, indefinitely and without restrictions. We want our print copies to be accessible too: publications are available in print for at least ten years, and priced as affordably as possible. Publication costs are offset through the sale of print and electronic copies (£7–£25 for most print copies, £4–£10 for electronic editions) and through institutional funding where available. We do not charge authors to publish with us.