Language Science Press

Language Science Press publishes high quality, peer-reviewed open-access books in linguistics. All publications are free for both authors and readers. General Editors are Stefan Müller (HU Berlin) and Martin Haspelmath (MPI for the Science of Human History). They are supported by a high-profile Advisory Board.

Our philosophy
We believe that book publishing should be fully under the control of scholars because most of the traditional tasks of profit-oriented publishers can be done more efficiently by scholars, at little cost due to the modern technology that is routinely available at universities.

For some time now, all scholars have been accustomed to sharing their materials at no cost with their colleagues, often with the help of services like and ResearchGate. Scientific publication thus no longer serves the need of disseminating research results – its purpose is to make the best work prominent enough to help build careers and to guide scholars in choosing what to read. This task of selecting the best work is carried out by the series editors of Language Science Press.