Lodel, a free open source software developed by Cléo dedicated to Open Access publications in Humanities and Social Sciences. Lodel is an electronic editing software that is easy to use and adaptable for specific applications. He is a member of the Content Management System (CMS) family and specializes in publishing long and complex texts in a highly structured editorial environment. Lodel is particularly respectful of the conventions of scientific publishing, such as footnotes, text structure, various character sets corresponding to non-Latin languages, diacritic marks, small capitals, nonbreaking spaces, etc.
The documents to be published can be prepared in a word processing software (Word, OpenOffice.org) on-line or edited directly online. Lodel uses paragraph styles (for example, title, abstract, author) to automatically create indexes and indexes. The list of supported styles is expandable and configurable. The document template (Word or OO) allows you to style your word processor documents in accordance with the editorial template provided with Lodel. The presentation of the displayed pages is defined by templates written in the Lodelscript language.
Lodel was conceived in the context of the development of the Revues.org portal. In accordance with the principle of appropriation, the software allows, for example, an editorial secretary to carry out the on-line publishing of his magazine, as he does for paper with Xpress or Indesign, without having to transform himself into a computer scientist. Lodel complies with web publishing standards (Dublin Core, RSS, OAI) and produces XML documents.