OHP is an international community of scholars, editors and readers with a focus on critical and cultural theory. We have operated as a independent volunteer initiative since 2006, promoting open access scholarship in journals, books and exploring new forms of scholarly communication.OHP’s organization is a community interest company headquarted in London. Its Directors are Gary Hall, Sigi Jöttkandt and David Ottina. The OHP Editorial Board is at the heart of all our activities: participating in journal assessments, reviewing and approving book series proposals, performing and managing peer review, and editing the OHP book series. We act on the principles of access, scholarship, diversity and transparency. We have partnered with a number of groups and institutions to explore grass-roots solutions to the crisis in Humanities publishing. You can find readings and podcasts about our Radical OA philosophy, and more information about open access.
Open Humanities Press
Cite this entry: "Open Humanities Press," in Open Access Resources, September 20, 2018, https://oaresources.xyz/open-humanities-press/