Open Monograph Press (OMP) is an open source software platform for managing the editorial workflow required to see monographs, edited volumes and, scholarly editions through internal and external review, editing, cataloguing, production, and publication. OMP can operate as a press website as well with catalog, distribution, and sales capacities.
OMP is an open source tool for managing and publishing monographs, edited volumes, and scholarly editions over the Web. It is a highly flexible editor-operated book management and publishing system that can be downloaded for free and installed on most web servers. It has been designed to reduce the time and energy devoted to the clerical and managerial tasks associated with publishing books, while improving the record-keeping and efficiency of editorial processes. It seeks to improve the scholarly and public quality of publishing through a number of innovations, and includes clear and intuitive workflows for every aspect of the manuscript submission, review, editing and production processes.
OMP includes a robust role management system, whereby Press Managers can control what kind of user can access a given workflow stage. A number of roles and associated permissions/access rights are already defined within OMP by default, but more can be made.
There are five levels of permissions/access that a role can have: Press Manager, Press Assistant, Series Editor, Reviewer, Author. Press Managers have access to everything in the press (all content and settings). Press Editors have access to all content within their series. Press Assistants have access to all monographs that they have been explicitly assigned by an editor. Reviewers can see and perform the reviews they have been assigned. Authors can see a limited amount of information about their own submissions. These are described in more detail below.You can assign any number of different roles to each workflow stage. Assigning a role to a workflow stage means that you will be able to include one or more persons with that role during that stage of the submission. For example, by default, the Marketing Coordinator is included in the editorial stage, the layout editor in the production stage, and the author in all stages. You can add/remove any number of roles within these categories.