Physical address:
6296 Donnelly Plaza
Ratkeville, Bahamas.
OHMS (Oral History Metadata Synchronizer). Web-based, system to inexpensively and efficiently enhance access to oral history online. OHMS provides users word-level search capability and a time-correlated transcript or indexed interview connecting the textual search term to the corresponding moment in…
Sharing metadata doesn’t have to be hard. The Datahub is an application for aggregating and publishing metadata records on the web with technologies like HTTP REST and OAI-PMH. It takes care of the hard parts, so you can focus on…
ImageSnippets is an archival and curation tool. The goal of ImageSnippets is to build a persistent resource that establishes provenance and preserves the historical content and context of images. The application uses RDF syntax to ensure that the data entered…
GeoNode is a geospatial content management system, a platform for the management and publication of geospatial data. It brings together mature and stable open-source software projects under a consistent and easy-to-use interface allowing non-specialized users to share data and create…