Style guide for an Open Access publishing workflow for academic books

The present style guide has been created as result of the research project Open-Access-Hochschulverlag ( Open Access University Press) at Leipzig University of Applied Sciences, Germany. The project was to develop a sustainable and adoptable workflow, which enables universities to…

Creative Commons for Educators and Librarians

The book, Creative Commons for Educators and Librarians, is now published under CC BY and offers an additional way to access the openly licensed CC Certificate content. It’s available in print at the ALA store, or it can be downloaded…

CC Search

Creative Commons’ “CC Search” project will develop and release an open online search and re-use tool that will allow high-quality content from the commons to surface in a more seamless and accessible way. Our beta relies on open APIs and…

Short summary of the open licenses available

CC-BY Attribution – This license lets others distribute, remix, tweak, and build upon your work, even commercially, as long as they credit you for the original creation. This is the most accommodating of licenses offered, in terms of what others…