Electric Book

Electric Book is a Jekyll-based tool for producing print PDF, digital PDF, EPUB, website, and app versions of books from a single markdown, YAML, and HTML-based content source. It was developed by consultancy and service provider Electric Book Works.

The Readium Foundation

The Readium Foundation is an Open Source Foundation collaboratively developing technology to accelerate the adoption of EPUB 3 and the Open Web Platform by the Digital Publishing Industry. Readium Project Goals The fundamental goal of the Readium project is to…

International Standard Book Number

An ISBN is an International Standard Book Number. ISBNs were 10 digits in length up to the end of December 2006, but since 1 January 2007 they now always consist of 13 digits. ISBNs are calculated using a specific mathematical…


PanWriter is a distraction-free markdown editor with two unique features: Tight integration with pandoc for import/export to/from plenty of file formats (including HTML, docx, LaTeX and EPUB). Preview pane that can show pages – including page breaks etc. Layout adjustments…


Epub – A free and open e-book standard by the International Digital publishing Forum.