PREreview, Post, Read and Engage with preprint reviews

PREreview’s mission is to bring more diversity to scholarly peer review by supporting and empowering community of researchers, particularly those at early stages of their career (ECRs) to review preprints. PREreview is a new, open-source and free platform designed from…


The National Archives of Sweden is the leading archival institution in Sweden and has also the supervision of public records deposited by all state agencies. The National Archive is commissioned by law to preserve, organise and care for these records…


CiteSeer was the first digital library and search engine to provide automated citation indexing and citation linking by autonomous citation indexing. CiteSeer was developed in 1997 at the NEC Research Institute, Princeton, New Jersey, by Steve Lawrence, Lee Giles and…

Global Research Identifier Database (GRID)

GRID has been broadly adopted in the Digital Science portfolio companies to facilitate data exchange, increase functionality, and support novel features. We think these benefits should be shared more widely in the scientific community to foster innovation and increase interoperability.…

Linked Research

Linked Research is an initiative, a movement, and a manifesto. We believe that scholarly communication is stunted by current scholarly and scientific practices, and we aim to promote change for the greater good. This is not something hypothetical or a…

Web of Conferences

Open Access proceedings solution for scientific conferences Web of Conferences, managed by EDP Sciences, is an open access platform devoted to the publication of scientific conference proceedings. The platform offers high quality services for the publication and dissemination of conference…


eLife is a non-profit organisation inspired by research funders and led by scientists. Our mission is to help scientists accelerate discovery by operating a platform for research communication that encourages and recognises the most responsible behaviours in science. eLife publishes…