
Rob Beezer’s free, open authoring platform PreTeXt is what enables the fantastic HTML output for Active Calculus and so many other free, open textbooks. As part of my work with the PreTeXt Advocacy Group (Sally Koutsoliotas, Jennifer Nordstrom, Bruce Yoshiwara,…

Active Calculus

Active Prelude to Calculus, Active Calculus, and Active Calculus Multivariable are free, open-source texts designed for a more active learning experience for students. Every section of each text has engaging activities for students to complete before and during class, as…

OpenStax College

OpenStax is a nonprofit educational initiative based at Rice University, and it’s our mission to give every student the tools they need to be successful in the classroom. Through our partnerships with philanthropic foundations and our alliance with other educational…

Open SUNY Textbooks

Open SUNY Textbooks is a one service of SUNY OER Services, a SUNY service that provides mentoring, technical support, and access to a broad catalog of open textbooks to help incorporate OER into the classroom, lower the cost of higher…

Textbooks for Pressbooks

A plugin that extends Pressbooks for textbook authoring. Pressbooks is a content management and ‘one button publishing’ system for books. Textbooks for Pressbooks adds functionality to Pressbooks to make it easier to author textbooks as well. The features it currently…


eCampus Ontario’s Open Education publishing platform. Here you can start creating your own open textbooks, find an existing textbook you’d like to adapt, and start editing, or just find a book you’d like to assign or use in the classroom.

Rebus Press

Find, create, and collaborate on books created by the Rebus Community. The Rebus Press is a Pressbooks network available to members of the Rebus Community producing CC BY licensed open textbooks.