
convOERter is a tool that converts the educational resources to OER. The tool (convOERter) is designed to read a file, extract all images as well as all possible metadata and substitute them with OER elements in a semi-automated manner. The…


VOSviewer is a software tool for constructing and visualizing bibliometric networks. These networks may for instance include journals, researchers, or individual publications, and they can be constructed based on citation, bibliographic coupling, co-citation, or co-authorship relations. VOSviewer also offers text…


Prism is a tool for collective interpretation, an experiment in crowd-sourcing and visualizing many readings of a set of common texts. As part of our project to make crowd-sourcing more meaningful and less mechanical, users interact subjectively with a text,…


PubPub is a platform that enables the exploration of three core experiments: 1) author-driven publishing, 2) distributed and dynamic peer review, and 3) grassroots journals that serve as tools for curation. Through these three experiments, we seek to uncover new…


meTypeset is a tool to covert from Microsoft Word .docx format to NLM/JATS-XML for scholarly/scientific article typesetting. meTypeset is a fork of the OxGarage stack and uses TEI as an intemediary format to facilitate interchange. Components are licensed under the…


A tool to display books from eprints. This application can generate a list of book publications using eprints data. An example of its output can be found at .


CaSSius is a tool to create beautiful paginated PDF documents from NLM Under the hood, v0.2 of CaSSius uses the pagination polyfill from pagedjs. It is intended to be part of XML-first/XML-in workflows for scholarly communications but may have alternative…

OASIS (OER Search Tool)

Openly Available Sources Integrated Search (OASIS) is a search tool that aims to make the discovery of open content easier. OASIS currently searches open content from 73 different sources and contains 175,949 records. OASIS is being developed at SUNY Geneseo’s…


A free, open-source ontology editor and framework for building intelligent systems Protégé is supported by a strong community of academic, government, and corporate users, who use Protégé to build knowledge-based solutions in areas as diverse as biomedicine, e-commerce, and organizational…