Telemeta, collaborative media asset management system for musicology

Telemeta is a free and open source collaborative multimedia asset management system (MAM) which introduces fast and secure methods to archive, backup, transcode, analyse, annotate and publish any digitalized video or audio file with extensive metadata. It is dedicated to collaborative media archiving projects, research laboratories and digital humanities – especially in ethno-musicological use cases – who need to easily organize and publish documented sound collections of audio files, CDs, digitalized vinyls and magnetic tapes over a strong database, through a smart and secure platform, in accordance with open web standards.

Key features:

  • Secure archiving, editing and publishing of audio files over internet.
  • Pure HTML web user interface including dynamical forms and smart workflows
  • “On the fly” audio analyzing and transcoding thanks to TimeSide
  • Smart dynamical and skinnable audio player with annotations
  • Collaborative indexing with semantic ontologies and timecoded markers
  • Multi-format support : FLAC, OGG, MP3, WAV, MP4, WebM (video) and more
  • User management with individual desk, lists, profiles and rights
  • Playlist management for all users with CSV data export
  • Geo-Navigator for audio geolocalization
  • High level search engine
  • DublinCore compatibility
  • OAI-PMH data provider
  • RSS feed generators
  • XML and ZIP serialized backups
  • EPUB3 “audio book” collection exporter
  • SQLite, MySQL, PostgreSQL or Oracle DB backends
  • Multi-language support (now english and french)
  • Run on any OS

Telemeta has been developed since 2006 and is based exclusively on 100% open source modules.

It is mostly written in Python, HTML5 and JavaScript.

The Telemeta name stands for Tele as “remote access” and meta for “metadata”.