
Plaudit: open endorsements by the academic community. Plaudit is a simple, light-weight mechanism that allows an individual with an ORCID to endorse an object with a DOI. Plaudit is based on the open infrastructure integrated with DOIs, Crossref Event Data…

Language Science Press

Language Science Press publishes high quality, peer-reviewed open-access books in linguistics. All publications are free for both authors and readers. General Editors are Stefan Müller (HU Berlin) and Martin Haspelmath (MPI for the Science of Human History). They are supported…


OpenEdition brings together four platforms dedicated to electronic resources in the humanities and social sciences. OpenEdition is a comprehensive digital publishing infrastructure at the service of scientific information in the Humainties and social Sciences. the OpenEdition portal includes four publishing…

AU Press

AU Press has cultivated a strong list of publications in the areas of distance education, labour studies, Métis and Indigenous studies, gender studies, and the environment. However, we welcome superior works of scholarship, regardless of subject area. We also have…